We are continuously trying to improve the manner in which we disseminate information from ConcreteCanoe.org and if you have suggestions and/or comments on how you think that this can be done better, please contact us. Please remember to include one or more of our promotional graphic images on your site with a hyperlink to www.concretecanoe.org. Thanks!
We need volunteers to agree to collect information and maintain and publish (on the web) things like:
Please get involved! If you're interested in performing one or more of these tasks, please let us know. Simply provide us with an email address to which information from contributors should be sent. We'll publicize your effort on our site and ask them to send the information directly to you. In return for your support, we'll showcase your organization here and include a link to your library or newsletter. If you have
any other ideas or want to see anything else included, contact us. Thanks!
For individuals and organizations having an active web site: Our preferred mode of operation is to have contributors post the information that they want us to reference and/or showcase on their own web site. So, please let us know where your information is located and provide us with a short description of what it is. Also tell us where you think that we should mention it on our site. We'll post your organization's name, a link, and the synopsis on ConcreteCanoe.org. Simple as that! Examples: Clemson "3CT" Concrete Canoe Team - Stats, scoring breakdowns, highlights, reviews and pictures from previous national competitions not just for Clemson, but for all schools. Team UAH - "For the Record" - statistics for all 16 NCCCs. Note: If information is buried deep within a page, please ask your web manager to add a bookmark so that we can link to the bookmark as opposed to the page. Example: Team UAH -
on Display at the ASCE Alabama State Post information on your own server because it saves us time and effort, as well as space on ours, and gives you an opportunity to capture a visitor's attention. Remember, our goal is to showcase your efforts and get people to explore your site further. It is very important, however, that visitors coming from our site have the flexibility to move elsewhere once they reach yours -- preferably to your home page, back to ConcreteCanoe.org, and out to the world wide web. Please consider adding one of our promotional graphic images with a hyperlink to www.concretecanoe.org. Thanks! Warning: Simply
posting information without including a menu or links on the page in question is
a big mistake for all of us.
So please, consult your web manager and work out a
strategy to facilitate user flexibility because we want
our visitors to come back soon and often. Thanks!
Regarding information that requires a visitor to download: Our policy is to avoid posting links on our site that force our visitors to download files (such as a PDF, doc, wpg, etc.). Although we can't be responsible for what our contributors do at their end, we are asking all of you: Please - Do not provide us with links that require a user to download! Instead... Post links to downloadable files on your site preferably within a paragraph that describes the contents. Mention the size of the target file and the type of software required to view it. If the link is buried deep within a page please ask your web manager to add a bookmark so that we can link to the bookmark as opposed to the page. We'll post your organization's name, a link to the location (not the download), and the synopsis on ConcreteCanoe.org. Example: Western Kentucky - "Videos from the 2001 NCCC" - self explanatory. The
rationale behind this
decision is that we want visitors to
enjoy your site so that they can see what you do,
avoid the possibility of transmitting viruses,
and save time - just in case a visitor feels that the file in question is too
large or of no interest to them. Thank you in
advance for your kind consideration.
For individuals and organizations having no web site: No web site... no problem! We are most willing to post articles directly on our server with a link to that partition. We'll even help you to build a site, and will be featuring articles soon on how to start, maintain, and promote a concrete canoe web site of your very own. Contact us.