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Welcome to the world's largest and most comprehensive data base on concrete canoeing.

When you enter through our gateway, you'll find links to sponsors, participants, data bases, libraries, photo galleries, video promotions, tips, and feature articles.  
So whether you're building a concrete canoe just for fun, or aspiring to become a power player at the national level, this site is for you!

Created as a portal to student and professional organizations worldwide, this site caters to a diverse audience ranging from the avid canoeist to the most serious national contender.

About the Singapore Competition

The first Singapore National Concrete Canoe Competition was held in 2008 and the event was sponsored by Nanyang Technological University. Two teams from the National University of Singapore won the event. Additional information can be found here.

We would like to expand our coverage in this partition, so please contact us if you have more information  about concrete canoe competitions in Singapore.


If your concrete canoe competition is not being covered or this page needs to be updated... please let us know and we'll be glad to do it.

2008 Singapore National Concrete Canoe Competition (SNCCC)
Lower Seletar Reservoir, May 25, 2008

 NUS Takes Top Honors in Singapore

The first Singapore National Concrete Canoe Competition (SNCCC) was held in 2008 and ended with racing on May 25, 2008 on the Lower Seletar Reservoir near Khatib MRT.  The event was organized by the Civil and Environmental Engineering Club of Nanyang Technological University and sponsored, in part, by the Singapore Concrete Institute.

The National University of Singapore won the competition.  They fielded two teams: Viper and Voyager.

The "Viper" team won the best product and the overall competition.

The "Voyager" team placed finished a close second.

NUS displays their first and second place prizes. 

flyer front copy

2008 Blog about Competition

About SCI

The Singapore Concrete Institute (SCI) was founded in July 1978. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to the following objectives:

  • To uphold standards of excellence in the use of concrete

  • To improve concrete technology and to encourage its use

  • To enable persons interested in concrete technology to meet and communicate

  • To facilitate the interchange of ideas and co-ordinate and disseminate information on subjects relating to concrete

  • To publish papers, periodicals and books on concrete technology and practice

  • To undertake and encourage research in concrete technology and practice

  • To establish study grants and scholarships to assist students and members in pursuing relevant fields of study

  • To award prizes and other forms of recognition to individuals and organizations for their outstanding performance and achievement in concrete technology and practice.

Further information regarding the SCI can be found here.