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So whether you're building a concrete canoe just for fun, or aspiring to become a power player at the national level, this site is for you!

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About the Mexican Competition

Interest in building and racing concrete canoes in Mexico built when a team from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico competed in the 2002 U.S. National Concrete Canoe Competition held in Madison, Wisconsin. After that, several Mexican teams fielded entries in the Texas-Mexico Conference.

In 2014, engineering students from  the University of the Americas Puebla (UDLAP) received recognition by  winning the "Keith McBride Spirit of the Competition Award" at the Conference hosted by the University of Texas at Tyler.


If your concrete canoe competition is not being covered or this page needs to be updated... please let us know and we'll be glad to do it.

2014 Texas-Mexico Conference
Tyler, Texas
April 25-26, 2014

UDLAP wins Spirit of Competition Award

UDLAP team wins "Spirit of the Competition" at Tyler.

Engineering students at the University of the Americas Puebla (UDLAP) received recognition by winning the "Keith McBride Spirit of the Competition Award" at the Texas-Mexico Conference hosted by the University of Texas at Tyler. UAEM (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México) and Bajio also competed in the concrete canoe competition.

2011 South Central Mexican Concrete Canoe Competition - Inaugural
Jalisco, Mexico
September 30-October 1, 2011

UAG Hosts and Wins First Regional Competition

A team from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG) won the first regional concrete canoe competition held in South Central Mexico.  A team from the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESO) finished second followed by one from the University De La Salle Bajio, Leon, Guanajuato.

Races were held on the Cajititlán lagoon at Lake Chapala.

The competition was hosted by the Autonomous University of Guadalajara. It was held on the Cajititlán lagoon at Lake Chapala, Mexico's largest freshwater lake. There were nine boats in the competition.

2011 South Central Mexico CCC Announcement (translated)

2011 South Central Mexico CCC Results (translated)

2011 Video

About the first Mexican Regional

The first regional concrete canoe competition in the South Central area of Mexico was hosted by the Autonomous University of Guadalajara. It was held  September 30th through October 1st, 2011 at Lake Chapala, Jalisco.

Lake Chapala is Mexico's largest freshwater lake and the competition was held on the Cajititlán lagoon. The Autonomous University of Guadalajara won the event. A team from the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESO) finished second followed by one from the University De La Salle Bajio, Leon, Guanajuato.