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Welcome to the world's largest and most comprehensive data base on concrete canoeing.

When you enter through our gateway, you'll find links to sponsors, participants, data bases, libraries, photo galleries, video promotions, tips, and feature articles.  
So whether you're building a concrete canoe just for fun, or aspiring to become a power player at the national level, this site is for you!

Created as a portal to student and professional organizations worldwide, this site caters to a diverse audience ranging from the avid canoeist to the most serious national contender.

About the Japanese Competition

Concrete canoe racing began in Japan in 1995.

Nowadays, several competitions are held throughout the country (Japanese venues).

Japanese concrete canoes are typically limited in length to 4.0 meters. The race course is typically 300m in length.

In 2013, Miyagi Ishinomaki Technical High School's "Ishikou 9" was selected as the best product among 46 entries.

The Japanese Nationals are sponsored by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers.

A comprehensive history of the events held in Japan can be found by visiting Concrete Canoe Japan (CCJ).


If your concrete canoe competition is not being covered or this page needs to be updated... please let us know and we'll be glad to do it.

2016 Japanese Nationals
22nd All Japan Challenge
August, 2015

Kanto Branch to Sponsor 22nd Japanese Competition

Entries typically line the shore during the opening ceremonies. Photo by JSCE. 

Our sources tell us that the Kanto Branch of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) will sponsor the next All Japan Challenge. Chances are that the competition will be held on the left bank riverbed of the Arakawa detention pond "Saimizuumi" in Toda City, Saitama Prefecture. A large number of entries are expected from universities, technical colleges, and high schools throughout the country.

Concrete Canoe Japan (CCJ) Website

2015 Japanese Nationals
21st All Japan Challenge
August 29, 2015

Miyagi Ishinomaki Technical High School Wins Third Consecutive Title

Ishinomaki team members celebrate victory!

Teams from Miyagi Ishinomaki Technical High School placed first and second at the 2015 All Japan Challenge. A team from YuMakoto-daka finished thrid. The competition was sponsored by the Kanto Branch of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE). It was held on the left bank riverbed of the Arakawa detention pond "Saimizuumi" in Toda City, Saitama Prefecture. A large number of entries participated from universities, technical colleges, and high schools throughout the country.

2015 Japanese Concrete Canoe Competition Website

2015 Competition Blog

2014 Centennial Cup, 20th All Japan Challenge
Toda City, Saitama Prefecture 
August 30, 2014

Miyagi Ishinomaki Technical High School Defends National Title

The awards ceremony (left) followed the races (right). Photos by JSCE. 

Miyagi Ishinomaki Technical High School successfully defended their national title at the 2014 Centennial Cup. Forty-one entries were fielded from universities, technical colleges, and high schools throughout the country.

The competition was sponsored by the Kanto Branch of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE). 

2014 Japanese Centennial Cup Results

2014 Japanese Centennial Cup Spreadsheet

2014 Centennial Cup Website

2013 Japanese Nationals
19th All Japan Challenge
August 31, 2013

Miyagi Ishinomaki Technical High School wins Japanese Challenge

Ishinomaki Technical High School (above; photo courtesy of Kanto Branch, JSCE)
won the competition with "Ishikou 9" (below; photo courtesy of CCJ). 

The 2013 competition was held in the Arakawa detention pond Saimizuumi Toda City, Saitama Prefecture. Forty-six teams competed in the event representing universities, technical colleges, and high schools throughout the country.

Although the weather conditions were not ideal, a new course record was set in the 300m race.

Competition reports can be found here and here.

About JSCE

The Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) was established as an incorporated association in 1914 entrusted with the mission to contribute to the advancement of scientific culture by promoting the filed of civil engineering and the expansion of civil engineering activities.

Since its establishment, JSCE has endeavored to achieve the above mission, through extensive activities including scientific exchange among members and researchers, promotion of science and technologies relating to the filed of civil engineering, social involvement, etc.

Over the years, the JSCE membership has increased significantly from the initial 443 members to approximately 39,000 members at present, and is currently engaged in various wide-ranged activities around the world.